Saturday, June 12, 2010

Getting to know Judson

Judson finally arrived!! He was three days past his due date and came into the world at a whopping 8 lbs., 9 oz.! I had an infection during my labor that was inside the womb, so after Judson was born, he had to be on antibiotics for 48 hours. That kept us in the hospital for an extra day, so we were so glad that Grammy and Pappy were already with us and could take care of Caleb and Isabelle for us. They brought the kids up to the hospital for visits in the mornings while we were there, so they all got to see and hold Judson. Caleb was a little unsure about Judson right at first, but he warmed up to him quickly. Isabelle was a little mommy right from the start. They are both having so much fun with him now and love to hold him and watch his cute little faces. Neither has volunteered for diaper duty, however. After we got home from the hospital, Grandmamma and Granddaddy came to visit as well, so we had all our family in town for a couple days and that was very nice. On Memorial Day, Barrett ran in the Gate to Gate run here on base, and the kids ran in the one-mile fun run. They both did great, and Caleb actually finished near the front of the pack for his age group. Isabelle did super and ran the entire way again. This was also Judson's first outing (other than coming home from the hospital), and he did great!

Pappy and Judson:

Grammy, Isabelle and Judson:

Grammy, Pappy and Judson:

Grammy and Pappy with all the grandkids:

Judson's homecoming:

Grandmamma and Granddaddy with Judson:

Gate to Gate Memorial Day Run on Eglin AFB:

All the Family:

Isabelle with her flowers from her dance recital: