Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dance and Baseball

This Spring, Isabelle began taking ballet/tap lessons at the local recreation center. She really enjoyed it and had fun wearing her leotard with a little skirt, as well as doing the class with her good friend from school. For the last few months, she practiced once a week, but all the parents had to sit outside the dance studio and we couldn't watch what they were doing. So, we were all excited about seeing her dance recital to find out what they had been working on. The dance recital was a few days after my due date, so I wasn't sure if I would make it or not. We went to the dress rehearsal, so at least I got to see her performance in person, because I did end up being in the hospital the day of her recital! She looked so cute in her recital costume, and Grammy and Pappy were able to see her perform that evening. They gave her a vase of roses afterwards, and she was so thrilled and very proud of her flowers. She kept showing them to everyone and asking if we liked them.

Isabelle in her dance recital costume:

Caleb participated in Coach's Pitch at the YMCA this spring instead of T-ball. He was a year shy of the age for playing, but they made an exception for him since he really wanted to play. He had a great time and really actually enjoyed it this time. It was much more fun to get to hit a ball that was being pitched to him versus off a tee. Plus, he really got to learn more about how to play the game, so it was well worth it for him. He had some really great hits and fielded some balls, too.