Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Swimming lessons

Caleb and Isabelle started taking swimming lessons at Emerald Coast Scuba in Destin, where they are known for excellent swimming lessons. I have been very impressed with the quality of the lessons, and the kids are both really having fun and learning a lot. They can't wait to go each week. We go on Monday and Tuesday mornings throughout the summer. They are in different classes that meet back to back, so we are there from 10:30 to 12:30 both mornings as they take turns having their lessons. The other hour that they have to wait, they play with some friends of ours that are doing lessons at the same time and eat their lunch. The first week was so hot and humid that it was pretty much miserable for anyone not in the pool. Poor Judson was just dripping with sweat and was not a very happy camper. So, the next week I came prepared with a battery-powered clip-on fan for his car seat carrier to help keep him cool. Thankfully the weather was much cooler this last time and actually enjoyable, but the fan has definitely come in handy at all the outdoor places we go. The pool that they swim in is bordered by two upstairs balconies that overlook the pool, and that is where all the parents go to watch their kids swim. It really works out well because there is a breeze you can feel off the water from the gulf.

Eating lunch on the upper balcony with Sam Ward while Isabelle had her swim lesson:

Isabelle floating:

Isabelle diving under the water to retrieve a ring (wow- what a difference from last year!)

Isabelle with her friend, Ben Ward:

Caleb practicing his float:

Judson sleeping peacefully with his personal fan:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The kiddos

Judson is over three weeks old already! Caleb and Isabelle are loving being big brother and big sister to Judson. They are so sweet to him and want to hold him and play with him as much as possible. We tried to give Judson a bottle for the first time today, and he took it without any problems- yeah!!! I am so happy about that, especially after Isabelle wouldn't take a bottle when she was a baby. This will free me up so much now and I won't have to be so stressed out about being home by a certain time if I need to run errands.

I love this picture. All the kids just happened to be color-coordinated, too- funny! They like to get down on the floor with him on his mat.

Caleb asks to hold Judson as much as Isabelle, now

These two pictures remind me so much of Caleb's baby picture that we sent out as his baby announcement- definitely brothers!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Judson's two-week checkup

Judson had his two week check up and he is doing great! He gained a whole pound from his birth weight, which Dr. Goodemote commented was "impressive". Everything is going well and we are all so excited to have Judson as part of our family. Caleb and Isabelle continue to want to love on him all the time and are both good helpers to me. I had forgotten to take a picture with my doctor who delivered Judson, Dr. Goodemote, so we took one at the checkup. She was such a great doctor and I enjoyed my experience very much with her and at Eglin.

Me, Caleb, Isabelle, and Judson with Dr. Goodemote:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Kayaking on the bay

Barrett set up our kayak with a trolling motor on the back, so he can take the kids out and not have to paddle the whole time himself. They took it out last week for a test ride, and it worked great. The kids had a lot of fun and even got to see some dolphins feeding really close to the boat. Judson did well in his new Moby wrap for his first trip down to our beach.

Judson in his new wrap:

Heading down to the beach:

Our kayak with the new trolling motor:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Caleb's Kindergarten graduation

Caleb is a Kindergarten graduate!! They had the graduation ceremony and singing program for the entire preschool/kindergarten classes on Monday evening, June 7. They wore blue caps and gowns, and they all looked so cute. They sang several songs and each child got to have a turn up in the front playing a musical instrument. When it was time for the graduation part of the ceremony, the kids each walked up to the microphone and said their own name for everyone to hear. Then they walked across the stage to receive their diploma.

Caleb is on the top row 5th from the left:

Playing the triangle instrument for a song:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Getting to know Judson

Judson finally arrived!! He was three days past his due date and came into the world at a whopping 8 lbs., 9 oz.! I had an infection during my labor that was inside the womb, so after Judson was born, he had to be on antibiotics for 48 hours. That kept us in the hospital for an extra day, so we were so glad that Grammy and Pappy were already with us and could take care of Caleb and Isabelle for us. They brought the kids up to the hospital for visits in the mornings while we were there, so they all got to see and hold Judson. Caleb was a little unsure about Judson right at first, but he warmed up to him quickly. Isabelle was a little mommy right from the start. They are both having so much fun with him now and love to hold him and watch his cute little faces. Neither has volunteered for diaper duty, however. After we got home from the hospital, Grandmamma and Granddaddy came to visit as well, so we had all our family in town for a couple days and that was very nice. On Memorial Day, Barrett ran in the Gate to Gate run here on base, and the kids ran in the one-mile fun run. They both did great, and Caleb actually finished near the front of the pack for his age group. Isabelle did super and ran the entire way again. This was also Judson's first outing (other than coming home from the hospital), and he did great!

Pappy and Judson:

Grammy, Isabelle and Judson:

Grammy, Pappy and Judson:

Grammy and Pappy with all the grandkids:

Judson's homecoming:

Grandmamma and Granddaddy with Judson:

Gate to Gate Memorial Day Run on Eglin AFB:

All the Family:

Isabelle with her flowers from her dance recital:

Judson Daniel Jones

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gymnastics program

Isabelle completed her second year of gymnastics, and at the end of the season they do a program for everyone to see what they have been working on during the year. Each child gets to do each apparatus individually, and at the end, they go up on the platform to receive their medal (and for the younger classes, a teddy bear, too). It was so cute to see all the little girls up there while they played the olympic music. Isabelle did great and had a good time showing her gymnastics skills.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dance and Baseball

This Spring, Isabelle began taking ballet/tap lessons at the local recreation center. She really enjoyed it and had fun wearing her leotard with a little skirt, as well as doing the class with her good friend from school. For the last few months, she practiced once a week, but all the parents had to sit outside the dance studio and we couldn't watch what they were doing. So, we were all excited about seeing her dance recital to find out what they had been working on. The dance recital was a few days after my due date, so I wasn't sure if I would make it or not. We went to the dress rehearsal, so at least I got to see her performance in person, because I did end up being in the hospital the day of her recital! She looked so cute in her recital costume, and Grammy and Pappy were able to see her perform that evening. They gave her a vase of roses afterwards, and she was so thrilled and very proud of her flowers. She kept showing them to everyone and asking if we liked them.

Isabelle in her dance recital costume:

Caleb participated in Coach's Pitch at the YMCA this spring instead of T-ball. He was a year shy of the age for playing, but they made an exception for him since he really wanted to play. He had a great time and really actually enjoyed it this time. It was much more fun to get to hit a ball that was being pitched to him versus off a tee. Plus, he really got to learn more about how to play the game, so it was well worth it for him. He had some really great hits and fielded some balls, too.

Sunset Stampede Race

On May 1st, Barrett and the kids ran in the Sunset Stampede 5K and one mile fun run out on Navarre beach. The race was in the evening and was supposed to be around sunset, but the weather was cloudy and windy, so unfortunately we didn't see the sun the whole time. However, everyone had fun! Several of our friends ran it as well, so we all had a great time together. This was Caleb and Isabelle's first one mile run in an official race. They both did a good job and finished- even Isabelle ran the whole way! I think we will have more road races in our family's future! Before the race, there were activities for the kids and face painting, and after the race we got some food at the restaurant that was hosting the event.

Pre-race activities:

Ready to run:

Just a little bit tired, but glad to be finished: