Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Zihuatanejo, Mexico

Barrett and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary by going to Zihuatanejo, Mexico, June 13-17. In looking for a place to go, we decided we wanted to go somewhere relaxing and not feel like we had to be going and doing things the whole time. We heard about Zihuatanejo from our friends Sarah and Jeremy, who had gone there last year, and they had great things to say about it. So, we decided it fit what we were wanting to do, so we gave it a try. We are so glad we did!! We had such an amazing visit. We stayed in a boutique hotel called Amuleto, which was located up on the hill overlooked the bay. We had gorgeous views from our room, which had a private lunge pool and sundeck on the second level. We were very pampered the whole time and the service was incredible.

We also really enjoyed the food- we ate most of our meals at the hotel, where everything is made fresh every day. For breakfasts we usually ate whatever the special was, along with fresh fruit and homemade pastries with unusual and yummy homemade jams to go with it. One evening we went out for dinner to an amazing restaurant called Tentaciones that offered a different view of the bay. The views were breathtaking, as the restaurant was located on a littLe outcropping of cliff, so you had a wrap around view of the entire bay. There was an infinity pool that stretched the length of the patio, so you almost felt as if you were floating on air. We were the only guests that evening, since it was the slow season when we were there, so we got all the attention! The restaurant has a fixed menu, so each course they brought out was a surprise, but we loved everything they served us. They even serenaded us during our dessert!

We did enjoy walking down the hill to the beach a couple mornings to go for a run, and we went into town to do some souvenir shopping at the market, but most of our time was spent relaxing, reading, and cooling off in the pool. It was so beautiful and relaxing that it was hard to leave! Amuleto met and exceeded our expectations, and we fully enjoyed our time in Zihuatanejo. We just wish we could go back next year!!

View of the Bay from our hotel

Infinity pool in our room

Our private sundeck

At our hotel before going out to eat

At Tentaciones

Our amazing view at Tentaciones- they called it the Titanic table- you can see why!

A beautiful sunset

Eating a meal at our hotel


AFJ said...

Happy 10th Anniversary you two! The place looks amazing...Bryanne you look stunning-love that dress you are wearing going out to dinner. Congrats!