Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Judson's 1st Birthday

Judson turned one year old on May 27, and we celebrated with pizza, cake and presents at our house. We had a grand celebration with both sets of grandparents attending, along with Tim and Virginia (he is such and important person). Judson was hilarious when it came time for cake- we put him in his high chair at the table and just put his piece of cake right on the table in front of him. He looked at it for a minute, and then just put his face right in it! Of course we all laughed and he thought it was very funny being the center of attention so he proceeded to do it again and again, making sure he had everyone's attention each time! I think Caleb and Isabelle enjoyed opening his presents more than Judson, but he did enjoy playing with them.

It was one of the rare occasions when both sides of the family are able to get together, so we really enjoyed getting to be with everyone and share Judson's birthday with our family.

Caleb and Isabelle got him a nerf sword so they could all play together

On his Buzz Lightyear riding toy