Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to School!!

Today was Caleb and Isabelle's first day of school as a second grader and a kindergartener!! They are both attending Christ Covenant School, and now Isabelle has moved up from the preschool into the elementary building. It's a bitter-sweet time to end the summer days and begin the scheduled days of the school year, but they were both excited about it. Yesterday, they had an ice cream social for the kids to meet their teachers and see who would be in their class. So, it made today a little easier since they already knew where they were going and where their desk would be in their classroom. Isabelle gets to wear a uniform this year, too, so it will make getting dressed a little less stressful in the mornings. Isabelle and Caleb begin the day at the same time, now, but Isabelle only goes half days for kindergarten, so she will be done before lunch. Caleb is finished at 2:45.

When Caleb prayed last night, he thanked God for the opportunity to go to school. Praise the Lord! That is a good start to the year, and we pray that they both really enjoy their teachers this year as well as the children in their class.

Seeing their classrooms the day before school started

Before leaving for school

At school, about to start the day!

Isabelle at her desk


Christy Bac said...

They are so grown up and beautiful. I'm sorry I never got back with you, Amy had a metabolic crisis and was 3 weeks in Tampa General hospital. She's still not fully recovered, she regressed. But we're working on coming back. The children are all so beautiful and you guys look so very happy. God bless and keep you always. Christy Bac

AFJ said...

I can't believe it school already! They are growing so fast Bryanne and are so so cute. Looks like you are enjoying yourselves. Keep us posted. Miss you guys!