Monday, May 7, 2012

Isabelle's 6th Birthday

Isabelle celebrated her 6th birthday party with her friends at our house on Friday, December 2. We had all her girlfriends over to make ornaments- a colored sparkly foam shape that they stuck Christmas foam stickers to and decorated with glitter glue. Then we ate pizza and had cake and opened presents. It was a simple and fun party that was easy to do in our house! Isabelle opened up her presents from us on her actual birthday. She was so excited to get more clothes and accessories for her American Girl dolls, as well as Kit's dog, Grace! She also got a bed for her dolls, which Judson is trying out in the picture!


AFJ said...

Happy Belated Birthday Isabelle! The kids look so grown up~your house looks great Bryanne...a little bit more character than our base houses in FL huh?