Saturday, May 5, 2012


In October we took at trip to Greenwood, MS, for a weekend with Barrett's parents. We stayed in a very rustic cabin that at one time was actually lived in by sharecroppers. It was kind of a neat place, except for a few issues we had. We just decided to rent one cabin because it was supposed to sleep six people and we were trying to all stay together in the same cabin. There was a king size bed, two twin beds, and a pull-out couch. Barrett and I were going to sleep on the pull-out, but when we were pulling it out, rat droppings fell all over the floor from the mattress! That was very late in the evening at that point and the kids were already asleep, so Barrett and I ended up sleeping in the chairs for that night. The next night, the owners apologized and gave us an additional room free of charge that Skipper and Sally Ann moved to for the following night. Other than that and the fact that the places were so dusty that Barrett and Isabelle were sneezing their heads off the entire weekend, it was a quaint little place! We did get to enjoy a campfire late one evening where the kids got to make a smore, so that was fun. We got to see lots of stars since we were out in the country. During the day we drove around and saw where Sally Ann grew up, saw where her parent's grocery store, Carr's Grocery, used to be, and looked at some of the houses of people she knew. We also got to drive by some of the places where they filmed scenes for the movie "The Help". The place where we stayed had a big cotton crop growing in the field for you to pick and see how it grows. That was fun to see the cotton flowers and the different stages of growth. To top off the weekend, Judson and I got the stomach bug. The morning we left, I was feeling so bad as we were driving out of town that we had to pull over for me to throw up-and it happened to be on the really nice street in downtown Greenwood! I just hoped no one noticed me throwing up on their lawn!!