Saturday, October 11, 2008

Soccer games

Caleb played his third soccer game this morning, and he is loving it. He said that soccer is now his favorite sport. Both sets of grandparents as well as Aunt Susanne and cousin Elijah have been able to come to his games the last couple weeks, so that has been a lot of fun. *Note: there is a video clip from today's game at the bottom of this blog

This morning, only six players on his team were there for the game, so they all had to play the entire time. I could tell they were getting worn out by the end. Caleb definitely gets a ton of exercise during an hour game! During last week's game, Caleb got to play goalie and he did a great job. He was really intense and even dove after a few balls to keep the other team from scoring.

Caleb playing goalie:

The highlight of the game: snack and drink afterwards!

It has been a lot of fun for us to watch him play and see the fun he is having. You can watch a video clip from his game today:


Rachel Burton said...

What cute pictures! And he's so big!