Saturday, October 11, 2008

A camping we will go....

The weather and timing were finally right for us to do what we have been talking about doing for several months- going camping! After the not-so-great camping experience we had with Caleb a few years ago (before Isabelle was born), we decided to make camp in the comfort of our own backyard. The weather could not have been nicer- it was the perfect camping weather. The kids were so excited. We began the evening grilling hotdogs, and then we toasted marshmallows over the grill and made smores.
YUM! We let the kids play past their usual bedtime, because we wanted to make sure they were good and tired before we attempted going to sleep in the tent. They were very cooperative when the time came to get into our sleeping bags and actually went to sleep very quickly. I couldn't believe how smoothly this camping experience was! We all went to sleep a little after 9:00 pm, and the kids slept through the night. Caleb was up first in the morning, and he and Barrett went inside. I laid there listening to the birds chirp for a little while and when I was about to leave the tent, realized that Isabelle was still sleeping. I thought she had gone in with the guys, but she was still sound asleep at almost 7 am! Barrett said that she should sleep in the tent more often:) It had been a while since I had been camping, and it made me appreciate again the comforts of a nice, cushy mattress. I believe that we have passed the test and are ready for more camping adventures beyond our backyard.