Monday, September 1, 2008

Blustery weekend

We are staying inside today and watching the wind and rain come through our area as a result of Hurricane Gustav. We are on the watch for any possible tornadoes as well. Barrett's brother and his sister's family came to visit us for the first part of the weekend, but that was cut a little short due to Gustav. They needed to get back to Mississippi to prepare for the storm. We did manage to have fun while they were here and even had some great weather on Saturday. We got to take Susanne, Roger and Elijah on their first ride on our boat, and Elijah (16 months old) had a great time. He even fell asleep for part of the time. We went to Destin Commons that evening and Isabelle was being a little mommy by taking charge of Elijah's stroller. She insisted on doing it herself, and actually did pretty good! We did start to get rained out after we finished dinner, but we made it down to Bass Pro Shop and the kids got to see the fish. The cousins had fun playing together, and we were entertained and amused by Elijah's favorite phrase "Oh, wow!" as he took in all the new sights. Thanks for coming to visit us! We had a great time.
Stormy day activities: