Saturday, August 9, 2008

Catching fish

Bryanne's parents came for a visit the last weekend in July and Pappy took Caleb fishing. Most of Caleb's previous fishing experiences ended with him throwing rocks into the water after about five minutes of not catching anything. However, all that changed with Pappy's knack for catching fish! :) All on his own, Caleb caught a bucket full of pin fish. He casted the hook and reeled them in all my himself, and boy was he ever excited. Pappy took him fishing while Barrett and I were away in Pensacola for a little getaway, and Caleb called us ecstatic about his newfound love for fishing. They put his fish in a little bag in a small refrigerator on our porch, and Grammy said he went out there every 30 minutes or so all day to admire his catch! The next time they went fishing, he caught even more. Now he's our little fisherman! We had a great time visiting with Bryanne's parents and it was so nice of them to watch the kids for us so we could enjoy some time on our own.