Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Break

For Spring Break I decided to drive down to Florida with the kids (by myself) to see my family. As our trip got closer, I began to REALLY second guess my decision! What was I thinking?!? Barrett wasn't able to take any vacation time with his job yet, so I wanted to take advantage of the time we had to visit Grammy, Pappy, Uncle Heath, and Nana. Nana had not met Judson in person yet, so that was another reason I really wanted to go. The Lord was very gracious to me, and our trip there and back was nowhere near as hard as I thought it might be with Judson. He did surprisingly well for such a long drive, and the kids were great to help out in giving him snacks and his drinks. On the way down to Largo, we stopped in Niceville and stayed with our good friends, the Wards, for the night. It was so nice to see their family again, and the kids had such a fun time playing together. It is such a blessing to have friends to stay with to make the trip easier! So, after two days of driving, we finally made it to Grammy and Pappy's house.
We enjoyed our usual Largo activities which the kids love, and we had beautiful weather all week! One day we went to Largo Central Park and played croquet out in the field. Throughout the week we visited Lisa (the Macaw) at the Sand Key Shops and got an icecream, went to the "banana" park and played in the trees, and took a trip to the St. Petersburg Children's Museum (which was not very crowded). It was nice because we had a high enough adult/ child ratio to spread out with the kids and let them do what they wanted. They even had a little toddler area for Judson, which he loved. Another day we went to a nature park where the kids got to feed lots of turtles and hold a live butterfly in their hand. While at the house, the kids mainly worked on drawing and other various forms of art, as well as watched a few movies. That kept them busy between outings. Nana got to go with us everywhere we went, so that was a real blessing and the kids had a lot of fun getting to share everything with her all week. The week seemed to fly by as it usually does, and it was time to leave. On the way back we stayed with some other friends, the Sullivans, and then made a quick trip to our old church for Sunday School and to say hello to some friends before getting on the road for home. After all that driving, we were so glad to be home!

Judson in the suitcase

Pappy and Caleb went fishing and Caleb caught a fish!

Visiting Lisa

At the artist's table

Uncle Heath and Caleb playing Connect Four

At the Children's Museum- Isabelle going shopping at the grocery store

Judson "milking" the cow

Caleb sweating it up on "Dance Revolution"

Nana with her great grandchildren