Saturday, January 29, 2011

Caleb's 7th Birthday

Caleb's 7th birthday just happened to fall the day before the Blues Half Marathon. So, we celebrated with pizza (his favorite food and good carbs for a pre-race meal for us!) and a chocolate chip ginormous cookie cake. It was a double decker cookie with icing in the middle. We didn't seem to have any trouble polishing it off in a few days, though. After we ate, Caleb opened his presents from our family and his big gift from us this year was a new bike. He can still ride his old one, but this is a little bigger and has more room for him to grow. He has been enjoying it, and it will be nice when the weather gets warmer and we can be outside more. Thanks to Lisa Ward, my friend who was staying with us for the race, and Tim and Virginia, for celebrating his birthday with us!
For Caleb's birthday party with his friends, we waited until the end of the month to do a double party with his good friend, Wes Fowler. We did a joint party at Pump it Up, a place where they have lots of big inflatables for the kids to jump on. Part of the party was glow in the dark, so they all got glow necklaces and got to jump in one of the rooms where they had turned off the lights and just had strobe lights on. It was pretty neat and they all had so much fun. After the jumping was over, we went to the party room and enjoyed pizza (the kids polished off every last piece of pizza after working up such a big appetite!) and then a Star Wars birthday cake. Then Caleb and Wes got to sit on the big inflatable throne chair and open their gifts. Legos seemed to be the popular gift, so he has lots to build now. Overall, it was a very fun birthday for Caleb and very low stress for us. The Pump it Up crew even handled the gift opening process and recorded all the gifts for us (which can be one of the most stressful aspects of a birthday party). Later Caleb told us that it was his most fun birthday party ever!

Caleb's ginormous chocolate chip cookie cake

Caleb's new bike

Jumping at Pump it Up

Eating pizza with Wes

Discovering that Luke Skywalker and Darth Vador's light sabers actually light up

Opening presents on the throne chair

Judson happy with a glow stick to play with