Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lots of changes

Well, it again has been awhile since my last post. Life has been non-stop craziness for the past month and a half, since we moved to Jackson. Barrett was back and forth between here and Eglin for the month of August, and my parents came for about a week to help me out while he was away. We gradually unpacked all the boxes and now we are hanging pictures, so our house is beginning to feel more like home. In the midst of moving, unpacking, and taking care of a baby, Caleb and Isabelle started their new school, Christ Covenant. We are really happy with the school, and Isabelle has adjusted very quickly and has made new friends. It is taking Caleb a little longer to adjust, but I see a gradual improvement over the last few weeks. It's just going to take hime a little longer for Jackson to feel like home again. Caleb also started soccer here a few weeks ago, so that has kept us busy during the week, and he also began taking Karate once a week after school. He is really enjoying both activities. Isabelle is taking ballet at school once a week and loves it. Judson is getting big so fast! I can hardly believe that he is already more than 3 1/2 months old! He began rolling over right at three months, so that is his new trick. He is getting really good at it now, and sometimes I find him halfway across the floor from where I set him down! He is very active now and constantly waving his hands. He "found" his toes a couple weeks ago, so it's fun to watch him grab them when he plays. He is doing great at night and sleeping very well, too. He would be content to be held all day if someone would, but he does enjoy his johnny jump up and his other activity chairs placed throughout the house. We have discovered that he is a thumb sucker, too. He'll take the pacifier, but now prefers his own thumb. We tease Isabelle that she taught him that :).
Barrett has been working some shifts with MEA this month although he doesn't officially start full time until October. It's been good for him to get a feel for what to expect, and probably good that I don't get too spoiled with having him home all the time this month!
We are really enjoying our new house and love the neighborhood. There will be some neighborhood festivals that we look forward to attending and meeting more neighbors. So far, all our neighbors have been very welcoming and it will be fun to get to know everyone better. It has also been so convenient living right down the street from our church. We have been able to just walk, which is great. BSF, the bible study I do each week, also meets at Trinity, so I'll be able to walk to that as well. I have enjoyed living a lot closer to the kid's school than we did in Florida. I don't have to be in my car half the time, like I was before.
It's been nice to move back to a place that is familiar and where we already have friends. It has made the transition a lot easier, but it is still a major adjustment for all of us. We really miss our church and all our friends in Florida. However, the Lord is faithful and we know that he will provide new friends for all of us and show us how we can serve Him here in Mississippi.

Unpacking paper:

Hey, let go of my hair!

First day of school

Getting a kiss from Scout


AFJ said...

Hey Bryanne! Good to hear you all are getting settled. I can't believe how big all the kiddos look in those pictures! And it was fun seeing the pic of Scout with Judson. :) Miss you all and we will have to catch up sometime soon!