Monday, July 19, 2010

Judson's baptism

We had Judson baptized on Sunday, July 18. Barrett's parents and Susanne and her children were able to come for it. Judson did great the whole time, and when he started to get a little fussy, I just stuck his pacifier in his mouth and he was fine. He didn't even flinch when Pastor Tyson put the water on his head. We were so glad to be able to baptise him at Westminster, which we have called our church home and family for the last three years. It is sad to think that we will be leaving so soon. We have really felt loved and embraced by our church family here and we will miss everyone dearly.
After church, we had our family as well as Bill and Mary Ann Tyson and Beryl and Carolyn Hubbard over for lunch. We had a really nice time of fellowship together and it was nice to share that time with everyone.

Caleb and Isabelle had such a fun week at their grandparent's house this past week, getting to go to camp, the children's museum, play with their cousins, and all sorts of fun things. They even brought their cousins back with them to play here for the weekend!

Isabelle is in these pictures, too, but is standing behind Caleb

Great smile!

Caleb and Elijah

Isabelle and Gracie Beth


AFJ said...

Wonderful post. I am glad you got to baptize him at your church before leaving. When are you moving?