Thursday, December 3, 2009


I always love the month of October, because it feels like fall is on the way, even if in Florida the temperatures still feel like summer!

Caleb began his soccer season this month and played on a team with older players. He was first placed on a team with younger players that were all much smaller than he was. So, he and his friend Johnny were moved up to the next age level. This was a great experience for Caleb because he actually really learned a lot about the game of soccer this year. His coach taught the team different skills and he learned more about how to correctly play the game. I could see a good bit of improvement over the course of the season for him. He had a lot of fun, too. Unfortunately, something happened to the pictures on my camera and they all look distorted. Almost two months of pictures turned out like that because I hadn't uploaed them in so long. So, you can get an idea of what was going on, but it's not very clear.

Caleb getting his medal at the end of the season:

We always make a trip to the local pumpkin patch in October as well. Caleb's class had a field trip there, so I took Isabelle that day so she could participate too. The kids had fun making a pumpkin craft, reading stories, and guessing which objects would sink or float in water. They each got to take home a small pumpkin at the end of the trip.

Caleb with some of his school friends:

Caleb lost his first baby tooth at the end of the month! It was loose for a little while, and one night at dinner, he got up and went to the trash can to spit something out. He had bit into a raw carrot and his tooth came out in his mouth, but he didn't realize what it was so we almost lost it! We figured out what was happening, and dug in the trash to find it! So, he put it in his tooth box for the "tooth fairy" (which he absolutely refuses to believe in) to come and leave him some money- which she kindly did, even though he didn't believe in her. His adult tooth has already almost filled the void of the baby tooth, so he really didn't have much of a gap for long.

Aunt Susanne and Elijah and Gracie Beth came to visit us the last weekend in October, so they got to participate in the Orange Fest with us. The kids dressed up and went "trunk or treating" at one of the local churches that hosts the huge community event. They got plenty of candy, and they played a few carnival games before we were ready to go home. Caleb decided to be the Bumblebee transformer this year (last year he was Optimus Prime) and Isabelle chose to be Snow White (not a big surprise!). We already had that costume, so that was fine with me! Elijah was a dinosaur and Gracie Beth was a mini version of Snow White- she collected her candy from the stroller. The kids had really wanted to carve our pumpkin, so I did that with them that morning. We had fun adding some "hair" to our pumpkin as well!

Our pumpkin:

Cousins in Costumes:

Snow White and Bumblebee: