Friday, October 9, 2009


Well, I obviously have not been keeping up our blog very well, to say the least. It has been almost five months since my last entry! To put it simply, life has just been very busy and a little crazy over the last few months, and I got out of the habit of updating everyone on our family's activities. So, I am going to do monthly recaps of the past few months to get back to speed. Here is a summary of June this year:

The second week of June was VBS at our church, and we did the curriculum from Answers in Genesis: Operation Space. I was the main teacher for all the elementary age students, so I taught my material three times each morning! It was very rewarding and fun, but very exhausting as well. I had a wonderful assistant who made my job easier and more fun, too. Caleb and Isabelle really enjoyed it and had a great week. All the children in our church sang the VBS theme song "Blast Off" for the church one Sunday morning, and it was so cute. They all learned the motions that went with the song.

The week after VBS, I had a few days to recupperate before I was packing our bags to to go Jackson, MS, for a week. Caleb was a day camper at a camp called Twin Lakes, which is just outside Jackson in a city called Florence. We stayed with our good friends, the Fowlers, whose son went to camp with Caleb the same week. The boys had a ton of fun swimming, horseback riding, camping, going on the ropes course and rock-climbing wall, as well as other fun activities. They even got to spend the night the last night of camp in their cabin. Parke and I and Isabelle and Caughran, Parke's three-year old son, got to hang out at their house and swim at their pool. It was so much fun to get to see my Jackson friends, and one evening a big group of us went out to eat at Keifers, which was a lot of fun. The weekend after camp ended, Barrett's family was in Jackson for their family reunion, so I stayed with them and went to the reunion on Sunday. After heading home through Biloxi, I had about two full days to wash clothes and repack for our trip down to Largo to spend a couple weeks with my family...


Hank and Laura said...

I found your blog through Barrett's facebook page. I love seeing your pictures and reading about your family. I wish we had been there long enough to get to know you better! I hope you don't mind if I put a link to it on my blog...I'll send you an invitation to it because I have it set to private. I hope you're doing well!