Saturday, March 7, 2009

Grandmamma and Granddaddy come for a visit

Barrett's parents came to visit with us at the end of January for several days, and they were a huge help. We crammed a lot of activities into those few days, so it was pretty busy. Grandmamma and I went to visit a few elementary schools as we were still trying to decide where to send Caleb to Kindergarten. We went to goofy golf in the freezing cold and got some great laughs watching Grandmamma whack the ball so hard down the lane that it bounced off the end and came flying back over our heads into the green behind us! We also did various science experiments involving candles, silly putty, eggs and vinegar. Isabelle got sick while they were here, so they watched her for me at home so I could go to my Bible studies and other activities. We had a lot of fun while they were here!

The Egg Experiment: