Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Judson at 6 months

Judson is already six months old! He surprised us and started crawling at 5 1/2 months- a lot earlier than I expected. He really began crawling before he was sitting up on his own really well. Now he is getting all over the house and pulling up on as much as he can. We put our Christmas tree out in our front living room so we wouldn't have to worry about Judson getting into the tree and ornaments, and I have had to move Scout's water to the laundry room because he got himself soaked with that find soon after he became mobile! Life is a little crazier now, but at least he is enjoying his newfound freedom and ability to explore his surroundings. He got his first cold last week and has been not feeling well. I had forgotten how tiring it is taking care of a sick baby! Hopefully he will get well soon- for everyone's sake.

He likes to look out the window


We had a low-key Thanksgiving day this year, spent with just our family and Barrett's brother. Since Barrett's family was coming the weekend after the holiday, we opted to do a simple meal on Thanksgiving day, so we grilled some chicken and watched the Saints game. Then Barrett's parents and Susanne and Elijah and Gracie Beth came for the weekend and we cooked our turkey and had our traditional meal with them. We had a nice visit and the cousins had a great time playing together as usual- it was a little crazier with a baby in the mix, but everyone survived!

Two little turkeys:

Fall Festival

This year for the Fall Festival, Caleb dressed up as Obe Won Kenobe, Isabelle as a ballerina, and Judson as Yoda. Originally, Isabelle was planning on being Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, since she has a pair of red sparkly shoes. I had ordered their costumes online this year to save from having to go shopping for them, except the package didn't get here in time for the Fall Festival, so I ended up being one of the crazy shoppers out the night before at Target getting costumes. They didn't have the Dorothy costume in stock, so she opted for a pink tutu to wear with her ballet leotard. We went to their school for trunk or treat, and they got to play games and get candy. It was a fun evening and Judson was a good sport in his yoda costume, too!