Sunday, November 23, 2008

Indian Festival

The kid's preschool puts on an annual Indian Festival before Thanksgiving where they transform the fellowship hall into an Indian reservation and the kids get to dress up like indians in their decorated t-shirts. They have lots of different stations set up for the kids to make crafts and play different games. All the parents dress up like indians, too, to help make the day a success. I was assigned to the sand art center where I spent most of the morning.

Goofy Golf

We took the kids to their first miniature golf experience a couple weekends ago. I can't believe we hadn't been before, and Caleb has been asking to go to "Goofy Golf" for months. We drive by it on a weekly basis and he made sure to point it out each time. The course wasn't anything fancy, but the kids had fun. Caleb is already asking when he can go again. Caleb had to learn to control the ball and not send it flying into the next hole. Isabelle was more interested in eating her snack than playing golf :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Meeting Gracie Beth

Last weekend we were able to make a trip to Biloxi to visit Barrett's family and meet Susanne and Roger's new baby girl, Gracie Beth. She is adorable, and the funny thing is that she couldn't be more different from her brother, Elijah. She is very petite and has very fine white-blonde hair. We all had fun getting to hold her, especially Isabelle. She had been talking about holding Gracie Beth for weeks. Of course, we also had fun with Elijah and seeing how big he is getting.

He is even taking a few steps on his own. We enjoyed visiting with Barrett's parents and spent most of the day Saturday at the Peter Anderson festival in Ocean Springs. It is a huge arts and crafts show that would take the entire day to see everything. I think it is going to become an annual event for us. It is a lot of fun and a great way to start some early Christmas shopping.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Orange Fest

We went to the Orange Fest again this year for the kids to have the chance to dress up and get some candy. Isabelle was Cinderella, and Caleb was Optimus Prime (a transformer).

The Orange Fest is put on by a couple big churches and they have "Trunk or Treating" which is basically a line of cars parked together so the kids can walk along and get candy from each trunk. We went with some friends and the kids got a ton of candy. We didn't stay very long because we were headed to Biloxi that night to visit Barrett's family. The kids had fun and got enough candy to last until Christmas, at least, or until we get sick of it and throw it away.